Friday, 7th September 2012, 16:47 by Stormfox
So I round a corner and see, all in a line, a wandering mushroom, a green ugly thing, a yaktaur, a killer bee, Agnes, a necrophage, and a gnoll sergeant.
(Console-only joke. Apologies to tiles players.)
We've gone this long while operating under a code of conduct no stricter than Bill & Ted ("Be excellent to each other" and "Party on, dudes"). The number of posts/threads that have called for any moderator action at all (even non-punitive stuff like moving things to the appropriate forum) is very low compared to a lot of boards out there, and I don't think it's gotten worse over the last arbitrary period of time.
Users should exercise good sense. That's an unspoken requirement for getting better at Crawl anyhow, and since most of us are here to either learn how to get better at the game or how to help others learn that, lacking the ability to exercise good sense when called for makes one wonder why you're bothering to play Crawl in the first place. Emotions happen, of course, and just as it can lead to YASD in the game, it can lead to YASP in the forum. Fortunately the forum allows savescumming...once your head clears you can go back and edit. I've done that to amend some badforum-worthy posts to acknowledge my errors.
You fall off the wall. You have a feeling of ineptitude.