Search found 979 matches

Sunday, 27th September 2020, 04:08

Forum: Crazy Yiuf's Corner

Topic: Congraz to Enegeticocto - new 3 runes realtime world record!

Replies: 8

Views: 11133

Re: Congraz to Enegeticocto - new 3 runes realtime world rec

Are there any rules about the version of DCSS used? I see this new record is in trunk, but other speedrunners use various older versions, right?

Friday, 4th September 2020, 01:58

Forum: Contributions

Topic: macOS build instructions

Replies: 5

Views: 6680

Re: macOS build instructions

Thanks for the info. I submitted a pull request based on this feedback:

Thursday, 3rd September 2020, 03:57

Forum: Contributions

Topic: macOS build instructions

Replies: 5

Views: 6680

Re: macOS build instructions

Can you explain in more detail how the suggested commands fail, and how you figured out the above command to run?

Tuesday, 28th July 2020, 01:01

Forum: YASD! YAVP! and characters in progress too

Topic: [Bloat] YAVP: GnCa of Oka (3 runes, streak)

Replies: 2

Views: 1712

Re: [Bloat] YAVP: GnCa of Oka (3 runes, streak)

Nice one! Good work hitting 27 on two skills. Did you consider training earth magic? It has +5 too from memory. Actually, cavepeople gain the innate mutations of speed, magic mapping, and monster detection. They are a direct (as possible) clone of the nethack class:

Monday, 27th July 2020, 04:31

Forum: Dungeon Crawling Advice

Topic: how to access hidden shops

Replies: 7

Views: 3680

Re: how to access hidden shops

Arches are useful features to represent things like "there was a portal here, but it's gone now" and as flavour. Perhaps they shouldn't show up with magic mapping. I submitted a pull request to fill in the middle of this vault. It's a vestigial location from back when cTele existed, I think.

Monday, 13th July 2020, 09:37

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: Clock Brainstorming Thread

Replies: 55

Views: 160356

Re: Clock Brainstorming Thread

Are those things considered scummy? What is the alternative to not resetting a fight when you get a string of bad rolls? It's not scummy to reset some fights. But if you have unlimited time, it would be optimal to reset nearly every fight where you fail to dodge the monster's attacks. (There's no c...

Sunday, 12th July 2020, 22:37

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: Clock Brainstorming Thread

Replies: 55

Views: 160356

Re: Clock Brainstorming Thread

I think a clock fixes two classes of repetitive behaviour. Class 1: * the way monsters wander away from stairs after you escape upwards can be removed (and possibly has been already). * xom scumming Class 2: * Resetting every fight multiple times * Extremely conservative exploration strategies The d...

Monday, 6th July 2020, 10:53

Forum: Crazy Yiuf's Corner

Topic: What just happened to butchering?

Replies: 28

Views: 24002

Re: What just happened to butchering?


Monday, 29th June 2020, 11:20

Forum: Dungeon Crawling Advice

Topic: Online play, accounts question

Replies: 4

Views: 2304

Re: Online play, accounts question

Griefers have done this a few times in the past. There's no defence except to pre-register your account on all servers. :(

Friday, 19th June 2020, 09:09

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: Panlords Need Buffs

Replies: 7

Views: 3568

Re: Panlords Need Buffs

Give panlords still winds and blink close and constrict. Make them like liches so that looking at them reveals multiple possible spell sets until they cast a spell. And add a new spell: blink stairs. Some panlords blink to an 'up' staircase and have a trample attack. Also I'm not sure how, but I th...

Tuesday, 16th June 2020, 14:49

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: Adjust the number of balls

Replies: 3

Views: 2194

Re: Adjust the number of balls

I think it's alright for the spell to have obvious power spikes due to changes in the number of balls summoned. As long as the probabilities of getting more balls increases smoothly with your spell power rather than with breakpoint steps like now.

Tuesday, 9th June 2020, 22:36

Forum: Crazy Yiuf's Corner

Topic: Find the mistake in the description

Replies: 6

Views: 3967

Re: Find the mistake in the description

Originally it said the minimum attack delay of 0.7 would be reached at skill level 36 (or so), which IMO was funnier but probably even less useful.

Tuesday, 9th June 2020, 01:28

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: Have Xom Explicitly Gift Ammo

Replies: 10

Views: 4348

Re: Have Xom Explicitly Gift Ammo

I don't think Xom is the right god to propose adding guaranteed gifts to.

Wednesday, 3rd June 2020, 05:30

Forum: The Dart Board

Topic: Draft new tournament rules

Replies: 28

Views: 30883

Re: Draft new tournament rules

Yes, that page is the real thing, although it's still being worked on. Your overall point score is an average of all categories, including categories you scored 0 in. I'll update that sentence in the rules to be clearer. What made you discount it being the average? Some of the display maths is possi...

Tuesday, 26th May 2020, 23:45

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: Simplify the damage formula

Replies: 39

Views: 15726

Re: Simplify the damage formula

I'm not sure I agree with the idea that current playfeel is tightly connected with the specific details of the current damage distributions. For all we know, the playfeel would be identical to replacing all these formula with much simpler formula which more-or-less match the mean and stddev. "M...

Tuesday, 26th May 2020, 07:00

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: Simplify the damage formula

Replies: 39

Views: 15726

Re: Simplify the damage formula

The third central moment is the measure of the lopsidedness of the distribution; any symmetric distribution will have a third central moment, if defined, of zero. The normalised third central moment is called the skewness, often γ. A distribution that is skewed to the left (the tail of the distribu...

Tuesday, 19th May 2020, 22:07

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: Make Kobolds the nightstalker species

Replies: 9

Views: 4420

Re: Make Kobolds the nightstalker species

I'm assuming this thread is in response to the pull request proposing the same, which seems like it will get some dev attention after 0.25 comes out:

Friday, 8th May 2020, 23:00

Forum: YASD! YAVP! and characters in progress too

Topic: [Bloat] YAVP: PrPh of Ash (3 runes)

Replies: 4

Views: 2467

Re: [Bloat] YAVP: PrPh of Ash (3 runes)

Yes, your size is determined by your max health. Which means things like losing mutations or going berserk can affect your size. That autoexplore bug sounds like an issue with very large players being able to walk in deep water, but autoexplore not knowing. Bloatcrawl 2 is basically finished, so don...

Friday, 8th May 2020, 00:56

Forum: YASD! YAVP! and characters in progress too

Topic: [Bloat] YAVP: PrPh of Ash (3 runes)

Replies: 4

Views: 2467

Re: [Bloat] YAVP: PrPh of Ash (3 runes)

Congrats! Actually, there is one final size to grow to beyond very large...

I think I fixed that shield unequip bug in trunk, but nobody has updated the windows offline builds yet.

Friday, 1st May 2020, 01:54

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: Issue: Flying and Shafts

Replies: 7

Views: 3797

Re: Issue: Flying and Shafts

Shafts affect flying players because there are cheap non-permanent ways to fly and it would be optimal to keep re-activating flight with these tools if they didn't.

The only remaining tool here is the ring of flight -- maybe it would be easier if the ring made you fly permanently while worn.

Friday, 17th April 2020, 06:00

Forum: Crazy Yiuf's Corner

Topic: Yet Another Crawl Variant: Stoat Soup

Replies: 15

Views: 8607

Re: Yet Another Crawl Variant: Stoat Soup

Does this mean optimal vampire play is to always be as close to engorged, but not quite engorged, as possible?

Friday, 17th April 2020, 05:56

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: Combine Scroll of Noise and Fan of Gales

Replies: 7

Views: 3112

Re: Combine Scroll of Noise and Fan of Gales

I think it's a little reductive to say the only reason fan of gales was removed is "inventory management". I also think you are giving a false choice when saying there are only "two possibilities" (remove all inventory management vs accept all inventory management). A third optio...

Wednesday, 8th April 2020, 22:32

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: merfolk avoiding shallow water

Replies: 14

Views: 5785

Re: merfolk avoiding shallow water

Remove merfolk boots slot!

Tuesday, 7th April 2020, 23:48

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: Miscast Simplification

Replies: 33

Views: 14256

Re: Miscast Simplification

What's wrong with that?

Wednesday, 25th March 2020, 20:13

Forum: Crazy Yiuf's Corner

Topic: Boutique vs Emporium : What’s the Difference?

Replies: 4

Views: 3246

Re: Boutique vs Emporium : What’s the Difference?

I'm wondering if it's more optimal to generate Gozag call shops at the deepest possible absdepth?

It used to be, but now gozag merchant quality scales with XL

Tuesday, 10th March 2020, 23:41

Forum: Crazy Yiuf's Corner

Topic: Vampire/dream sheep bug?

Replies: 6

Views: 4091

Re: Vampire/dream sheep bug?

Dream dust's messaging is ambiguous as to how the dust works. But both "visual effect" and "inhalation" work with the messages. In crawl-lore, the dust could have two methods of working.

Re: [Bloat] YAVP: RaRo of Kiku (3 runes, my first Bloat vict

Air horn uses the sonic wave spell, which basically damages everything in LoS and makes an extremely loud noise. The damage is a little mediocre, probably.

Tuesday, 3rd March 2020, 08:01

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: Proposal: Alternative hydra head-chopping mechanic

Replies: 11

Views: 4765

Re: Proposal: Alternative hydra head-chopping mechanic

Here's an alternate proposal: any non-fire >0 damage attack against a hydra causes a head to grow. Fire attacks cause a head to be removed.

Monday, 24th February 2020, 02:41

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: Name 10-aut units, or do away with them and just count auts

Replies: 21

Views: 10397

Re: Name 10-aut units, or do away with them and just count a

How about:

This weapon's attacks take 13 TU at 0 skill.
Its fastest attack speed (6) is reached at skill level 14.
At your current skill level (7.9), attacks take 8-9 TU.

Tuesday, 11th February 2020, 21:56

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: drop last picked up or unequipped item with D

Replies: 6

Views: 2848

Re: drop last picked up or unequipped item with D

How does this change the current behaviour?

Tuesday, 11th February 2020, 21:43

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: Simplification of felid extra-lives mechanics

Replies: 19

Views: 6649

Re: Simplification of felid extra-lives mechanics

Dying multiple times in quick succession is really unfun from a player perspective, so I think any system integrating NoRevive is good.

Monday, 10th February 2020, 22:46

Forum: Dungeon Crawling Advice

Topic: Corrupting Pulse length?

Replies: 2

Views: 2123

Re: Corrupting Pulse length?

It's like deterioration. They clear with xp gained

Friday, 7th February 2020, 04:50

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: Simplification of felid extra-lives mechanics

Replies: 19

Views: 6649

Re: Simplification of felid extra-lives mechanics

I like this idea. 1. Players should have a clear idea of how much time they need to spend in NoRevive state. (Presumably it would last 1k-10k+ turns.) Here's one idea: when you die, your progress to the next XL is set to 0%. You need to gain an XL to lose the NoRevive status. a. This would be a vari...

Friday, 7th February 2020, 02:52

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: Spiketaur

Replies: 9

Views: 3368

Re: Spiketaur

Monster AI is a little more convoluted than that. In the case of a monster with spells (and no items), the monster will first decide if it's casting a spell, and if so which spell. It will continue to normal AI if it decides not to cast a spell or if the spell it picked to cast is invalid (eg fireba...

Wednesday, 5th February 2020, 02:45

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: Give Trolls +2 Maces & Flails Aptitude

Replies: 42

Views: 14173

Re: Give Trolls +2 Maces & Flails Aptitude

To be honest, I'm not sure if you're suggesting shields are either mandatory or never used. About 75% of winning games have shields skill >15.0, which is not really either of those extremes.

Friday, 31st January 2020, 23:32

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: Give Trolls +2 Maces & Flails Aptitude

Replies: 42

Views: 14173

Re: Give Trolls +2 Maces & Flails Aptitude

TheMeInTeam wrote:One of which is to avoid no-brainer decisions, which OP presented troll UC to be. Is that in dispute?

You should read the PR, in particular ebering's reply, which does dispute this.

Friday, 31st January 2020, 22:46

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: Why is Corona so bad?

Replies: 5

Views: 2729

Re: Why is Corona so bad?

Another suggestion: corona could make it impossible to miss the affected actor

Tuesday, 28th January 2020, 08:04

Forum: Crazy Yiuf's Corner

Topic: Bloatcrawl 2

Replies: 27

Views: 13696

Re: Bloatcrawl 2

As a general announcement, I don't think Hellmonk or myself are planning to keep Bloatcrawl up to date or fix the various little bugs identified over the past couple of weeks. If anyone else submits pull requests to merge in upstream trunk or fix bugs I'll happily accept them though.

Thursday, 16th January 2020, 05:11

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: Necromancy school suggestion: -MaxHP costs

Replies: 12

Views: 5010

Re: Necromancy school suggestion: -MaxHP costs

Idea: remove the MP cost of necro spells, so they only cost whatever this new resource is. It would make them much more powerful (you could always cast Borg's), but much simpler UX

Wednesday, 15th January 2020, 00:05

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: Necromancy school suggestion: -MaxHP costs

Replies: 12

Views: 5010

Re: Necromancy school suggestion: -MaxHP costs

I submitted a PR that proposed re-adding regeneration with an extra rot cost, but it was knocked back. However, this seems like a broader and possibly more interesting change. Having two different forms of rot seems really confusing, so I agree you would have to unify them. Most rot sources now coul...

Sunday, 12th January 2020, 22:52

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: Diversify thrown vs slings

Replies: 11

Views: 3918

Re: Diversify thrown vs slings

Don't use the targeter. Do this instead: whenever you move, the weapon attacks the nearest monster in that direction. Instead of a standing throw, just allow melee attacks with the weapon. So if you have javelins quivered and you step east in this situation: @....o -- you will automatically throw a...

Thursday, 9th January 2020, 22:07

Forum: Crazy Yiuf's Corner

Topic: Remove Vanilla Orcs Beyond D:9

Replies: 9

Views: 3651

Re: Remove Vanilla Orcs Beyond D:9

Yes. It would be an easy pull request to change the minimum place depth from 13 to 9 (in mon-pick-data.h).

Wednesday, 8th January 2020, 04:54

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: Slime creature change

Replies: 8

Views: 4614

Re: Slime creature change

You could use LoS to prevent slimes from attacking you. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing.

Tuesday, 7th January 2020, 22:31

Forum: Crazy Yiuf's Corner

Topic: DCSS is unrealistic

Replies: 24

Views: 11906

Re: DCSS is unrealistic

5. Assuming each turn lasts several seconds (5 for convenience), the average 3-rune winning game of 70k turns would take the character around four days to complete. In this time they do not sleep and eat around fifty rations.

Tuesday, 7th January 2020, 00:28

Forum: Crazy Yiuf's Corner

Topic: Do Gnolls have souls?

Replies: 5

Views: 6153

Re: Do Gnolls have souls?

Yes, Gnolls have souls. All species do, except Nagas and Humans.

Thursday, 2nd January 2020, 23:07

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: rethinking layouts

Replies: 12

Views: 4316

Re: rethinking layouts

I think you're right there is a vocabulary problem. Maybe the way forward is to create a layout you think illustrates good design, and contrast parts of it with an existing layout you think has problems. I've personally found this thread a little abstract. Your example with the "loops layout&qu...

Thursday, 2nd January 2020, 09:49

Forum: Crazy Yiuf's Corner

Topic: Bloatcrawl 2

Replies: 27

Views: 13696

Re: Bloatcrawl 2

Whoops, I built the 2.1 macOS binary as console, not tiles. Here's Bloatcrawl 2.2 with working builds: Changes Reduce piety for Zodach sacrificing love Improve messaging for Kitsun'e charm Add ghost undead type for Silent Spectre and Mirror ...

Wednesday, 1st January 2020, 22:50

Forum: Crazy Yiuf's Corner

Topic: Bloatcrawl 2

Replies: 27

Views: 13696

Re: Bloatcrawl 2

Bloatcrawl 2.1 is out, with offline builds for Windows & OSX: Changes Let tiny species wear robes Buff Bunyip Bug fixes Don't equip Fencer's Gloves at game start for Fencers who are too small (eg Protean) Fix rune lock game modifier sele...

Tuesday, 31st December 2019, 21:46

Forum: Crazy Yiuf's Corner

Topic: Bloatcrawl 2

Replies: 27

Views: 13696

Re: Bloatcrawl 2

CKO only updates forks once a day, so you'll have to wait a day :-(

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