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Friday, 8th November 2013, 16:48

Forum: Contributions

Topic: I want to build official web-tile server in Korea

Replies: 4

Views: 112402

Re: I want to build official web-tile server in Korea

DracheReborn wrote:Do you have IRC? Probably best to ask on ##crawl-dev on Freenode. Most of the server admins hang out there and don't come by the forums often.

I think it would be great to have an official server in Asia :D

OK. Thanks.

I will try IRC.

Thursday, 7th November 2013, 06:10

Forum: Contributions

Topic: I want to build official web-tile server in Korea

Replies: 4

Views: 112402

I want to build official web-tile server in Korea

Hello, First of all, my Eng. skill is so poor, sorry about that. I built my private stonesoup web-tile server in Korea. ( ) But some of users complain to me that is not recorded as official score. And official web-tile server is much slower than my server. So, I decided to mak...

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