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Thursday, 22nd December 2022, 08:46

Forum: Dungeon Crawling Advice

Topic: Returning Player autopickup issue

Replies: 1

Views: 49955

Re: Returning Player autopickup issue

Went through some old posts and turns I had had a similair issue before so i removed the "return false" command and that fixed it.

Thursday, 22nd December 2022, 06:11

Forum: Dungeon Crawling Advice

Topic: Returning Player autopickup issue

Replies: 1

Views: 49955

Returning Player autopickup issue

Hey there. Returning player here. My init file is based on Ultraviolent 4´s ditto and worked very well in the 0.26 version but I haven´t really played since back then and now when I use it in 0.29 my toons keep on auto-pickup-ing all armor, wither I found better or not. Any easy way to fix this? I´m...

Tuesday, 20th February 2018, 13:55

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: Proposal: Make Subl. of Blood zero mana cost

Replies: 1

Views: 2739

Proposal: Make Subl. of Blood zero mana cost

Reminds me of the spell Cannibalize from Everquest but not sure why this spell costs any mana at all since your actually chewing health to gain mana. Anyways as the title says; make sublimation of blood cost zero mana. Thoughts? //Btw love the new necro spell BVC :D Edit: If you have´t already go pl...

Friday, 5th January 2018, 23:13

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: Gnolls are the new Demigods

Replies: 9

Views: 6112

Re: Gnolls are the new Demigods

I don't get what's similar about Gnolls and Demigods beyond "their starting attributes are higher than humans". Yeah I I probably should have used a better headline than "Gnolls are the new demigod". Because when thinking about it afterwards I realized it wasn't the specific tra...

Thursday, 4th January 2018, 15:02

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: Proposal: Show GDR numbers

Replies: 34

Views: 13328

Proposal: Show GDR numbers

Is there a specific reason GDR (Guaranteed Damage Reduction) numbers hasn’t been added next to AC?
If not; showing GDR numbers would help a lot, especially when calculating it for Gargoyles.

Saturday, 23rd December 2017, 15:42

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: Gnolls are the new Demigods

Replies: 9

Views: 6112

Re: Gnolls are the new Demigods

Point taken, maybe it´s Deitys that make DG´s feel so far behind (personal opinion).

I felt Gnoll v.2 were better matches > Oka. With current iteration Oka throws masses of different ranged ammo on you.
Maybe that could be an incentive to group all ammo as one?

Friday, 22nd December 2017, 21:39

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: Gnolls are the new Demigods

Replies: 9

Views: 6112

Gnolls are the new Demigods

Now that Gnolls are finalized (Gnoll version 3.0, DCSS v 0.21); this is how Demigods should have been made from start. Gnolls are better than Demigods in (almost) all ways that makes any difference and to top it off they can choose a Deity. I would be happier if current Gnolls > DG´s and Vice Versa....

Monday, 4th December 2017, 13:17

Forum: YASD! YAVP! and characters in progress too

Topic: YAVP: MiBe^Trog, first ascension!

Replies: 4

Views: 2310

Re: YAVP: MiBe^Trog, first ascension!

Welcome to the Club; you are now officially a DCSS Nerd! (just kidding ;) )

Tuesday, 14th November 2017, 01:28

Forum: Technical Support

Topic: Wizard Mode Mobs just stand still

Replies: 1

Views: 1762

Wizard Mode Mobs just stand still

I wanted to try playing a little in Wizmode with latest version (0.20.1) and once i choose "yes" after hitting SHIFT+& nothing attacks me even if poke at them. They just stand there. Has something been changed lately in Wizmode? Is there a command to make them start attacking? Prolly s...

Sunday, 22nd October 2017, 22:28

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: One suggestion, one question regarding Ranged Ammo

Replies: 10

Views: 5546

Re: One suggestion, one question regarding Ranged Ammo

I just noticed it on my current play through as well. But that seems like a buff, not a nerf. Former Greatsling did 8 dmg according to DC wiki but yeah, the site is not updated to 0.20+ (in all honesty keeping up with latest DCSS changes is probably a 3man-team full-time work :P ). That change actua...

Thursday, 19th October 2017, 17:12

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: One suggestion, one question regarding Ranged Ammo

Replies: 10

Views: 5546

Re: One suggestion, one question regarding Ranged Ammo

Maybe my math is way off but in my book the Hand-crossbow beats Greatsling every time except when you have a truckload of Slaying bonuses. Even then faster weapons usually requires less investment and in this particular case it´s the opposite but maybe that´s intended? Anyways, still think Stone Bul...

Tuesday, 17th October 2017, 22:22

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: One suggestion, one question regarding Ranged Ammo

Replies: 10

Views: 5546

One suggestion, one question regarding Ranged Ammo

How about removing all different ranged ammo types (since most flavors are removed anyways) and just call it ammo? Would free up some much needed space and get rid of the distinction between stone/sling bullets. Spells like Sandblast and Sticks to snakes would only require ammo then. While at it mer...

Wednesday, 23rd August 2017, 10:03

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: Regarding Natasha

Replies: 13

Views: 5613

Regarding Natasha

Could Natasha, when using CTRL+O, show up on the dungeon level she is at if you haven’t killed her all 3 times pls? Like Boris, she isn´t dead the first (or even second) time she dies, but unlike Boris she always respawns on the same level until finally killed a third time and keeping track of her e...

Thursday, 13th April 2017, 17:53

Forum: YASD! YAVP! and characters in progress too

Topic: [YASD!] VSBe, First Full Zig Clear - Died on 14th rune

Replies: 9

Views: 4699

Re: [YASD!] VSBe, First Full Zig Clear - Died on 14th rune

Crazy slaying! Great char. COngrats on the zig! I've never been able to do that, closest was a firestorm AND tornadohurling gargoyle. Tomb is a pain, i've actually gone KIKU just to get that rune a couple of times Ya, casters are prolly better for Zig Clears but I love my VSBe of Trog going Quickbl...

Tuesday, 28th February 2017, 05:11

Forum: Crazy Yiuf's Corner

Topic: Sandman's difficulty patch is hilarious

Replies: 30

Views: 12605

Re: Sandman's difficulty patch is hilarious

When I want to try out a new, often hard race/class combo, I always play it first on Sandmans Crawl patch version and I adjust the #´s to be a tad easier. I wish something like this was available in the regular DCSS so players can adjust it to their liking and also eventually make and adjust their o...

Sunday, 25th September 2016, 23:27

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: Vehumet reform

Replies: 33

Views: 13197

Re: Vehumet reform

dpeg wrote:There is a way to do this with yet another passive power: under Vehumet, you can keep casting at 0 MP, paying with piety. This way, you wouldn't have to use any abilities, you could just keep firing.


Saturday, 2nd April 2016, 08:46

Forum: Dungeon Crawling Advice

Topic: Tried Trunk, so many changes, few quetions

Replies: 6

Views: 3386

Re: Tried Trunk, so many changes, few quetions

To fix your autopickup, remove the "return false" statements from your armour autopickup, I think. Hey, I removed all "return false" and that fixed it, yay ;) I´m gonna donwload Marvin PA´s as well, just to see if I can learn some new commands. I actually used to play with a ver...

Friday, 1st April 2016, 23:15

Forum: Dungeon Crawling Advice

Topic: Tried Trunk, so many changes, few quetions

Replies: 6

Views: 3386

Tried Trunk, so many changes, few quetions

Hey all! So I tried Trunk since it sais quote " New option: autofight_warning, disabling autofight (tab) if successive commands are received too quickly. Should be helpful in cases of lag or accident. " I have played v.0.16-a0-2097 until now and was hoping this would fix the lagg problems ...

Sunday, 27th March 2016, 06:29

Forum: YASD! YAVP! and characters in progress too

Topic: [YASD!] VSBe, First Full Zig Clear - Died on 14th rune

Replies: 9

Views: 4699

Re: [YASD!] VSBe Full Zig Clear - Died on 14th rune

87005 | Zig:26 | Entered Level 26 of a ziggurat 87030 | Zig:26 | Noticed an ancient lich 87044 | Zig:26 | Noticed an ancient lich 87050 | Zig:26 | Killed an ancient lich 87060 | Zig:26 | Noticed an ancient lich 87065 | Zig:26 | Killed an ancient lich 87076 | Zig:26 | Reached skill level 22 in Shiel...

Sunday, 27th March 2016, 06:29

Forum: YASD! YAVP! and characters in progress too

Topic: [YASD!] VSBe, First Full Zig Clear - Died on 14th rune

Replies: 9

Views: 4699

[YASD!] VSBe, First Full Zig Clear - Died on 14th rune

I did my first 27 zig run the other night, yeah I know only took me 4 & ½ years, after my 6th rune and then I thought about calling it quits. But I felt what the heck, continued somewhat recklessly, and died on the 14th rune - Tomb (I always save abysmal for last in case I get distorted). Still ...

Saturday, 12th March 2016, 14:35

Forum: Crazy Yiuf's Corner

Topic: Dungeon Crawl Variants

Replies: 23

Views: 11407

Re: Dungeon Crawl Variants

Man, I tried git several times and it worked perfectly, just the way I wanted, until a new patch came and messed it all up time and again. I could never get past that. I played around with Sandmans DCSS fork as well as DCSS Light . I must say DCSS Circus Animals sounds very interesting. Wish there w...

Monday, 7th March 2016, 12:51

Forum: Crazy Yiuf's Corner

Topic: Dungeon Crawl Variants

Replies: 23

Views: 11407

Re: Dungeon Crawl Variants

You might as well ask someone "Why not duct-tape a potato to your ceiling?" Because it would serve no purpose other than wasting their time. Bummer! I might as well put my faith in some of the Forks happening now. //I thought MinMay left not-so long ago. I must be thinking off someone els...

Monday, 7th March 2016, 12:42

Forum: Dungeon Crawling Advice

Topic: This mutation won't leave!

Replies: 6

Views: 2980

Re: This mutation won't leave!

Do NOT drink Potions of Cure Mutations whilst you have temporary mutations.
Wait til the temporary are over.

//Learned the hard way!

Friday, 4th March 2016, 00:36

Forum: Crazy Yiuf's Corner

Topic: Dungeon Crawl Variants

Replies: 23

Views: 11407

Re: Dungeon Crawl Variants

Why not with every new release also make an ingame alternative, Like DCSS Nostaliga with stuff that hopefully dont take much programming, like including all races that were removed over the last few years (Djinnis, LavaOrc´s, Sludge Elfs, MD´s, Gnome´s and beyond and). Then again, I´m a computer idi...

Tuesday, 31st March 2015, 15:13

Forum: Technical Support

Topic: Lagg issues on reg. updated Tiles for W8

Replies: 10

Views: 4391

Re: Lagg issues on reg. updated Tiles for W8

Having the same issues in trunk v.16 :(
The lagg kicks in when I hold down a key, not if i spam it.

Wednesday, 18th February 2015, 16:28

Forum: Dungeon Crawling Advice

Topic: Need help with transmuters in general

Replies: 39

Views: 14897

Re: Need help with transmuters in general

comebackshane wrote:What would be the easiest course of action to get me a tm that survives long enough to use some of the later level forms? Which race should I play?

NaTm in v.0.10

Tuesday, 17th February 2015, 05:13

Forum: Technical Support

Topic: Lagg issues on reg. updated Tiles for W8

Replies: 10

Views: 4391

Re: Lagg issues on reg. updated Tiles for W8

I've also had issues with the system acting like my Shift key is held down. It resolves itself when I manually press the Shift key. I don't notice any major 'lag', but my system is fairly beefy. I thought it was just my keyboard acting up, but if you're seeing it too, it's probably actually a bug. ...

Thursday, 12th February 2015, 13:02

Forum: Technical Support

Topic: Lagg issues on reg. updated Tiles for W8

Replies: 10

Views: 4391

Re: Lagg issues on reg. updated Tiles for W8

Not ONE reply? Dam, i guess i AM all alone in this. :shock: As a test, i downloaded the newest development build yesterday to both my computers, the one described above running Windows 8, the other is 4 yrs old and running W7. Again it was unplayable on Windows 8. On Windows 7 i also had lagg, not n...

Saturday, 7th February 2015, 01:18

Forum: Crazy Yiuf's Corner

Topic: Good computer games?

Replies: 166

Views: 66389

Re: Good computer games?

Been keeping my eyes on an upcoming Cthulhu-inspired group based RL called Darkest Dungeon . 4 Classes from a range of 16, group placement and sanity are some of the key factors. Early release 3 feb on Steam so this Tuesday. Just an update on this; someone wrote it´s the #1 sold game on Steam atm. ...

Wednesday, 28th January 2015, 05:53

Forum: Crazy Yiuf's Corner

Topic: Good computer games?

Replies: 166

Views: 66389

Re: Good computer games?

Been keeping my eyes on an upcoming Cthulhu-inspired group based RL called Darkest Dungeon. 4 Classes from a range of 16, group placement and sanity are some of the key factors.
Early release 3 feb on Steam so this Tuesday.

Saturday, 24th January 2015, 05:58

Forum: Technical Support

Topic: Lagg issues on reg. updated Tiles for W8

Replies: 10

Views: 4391

Lagg issues on reg. updated Tiles for W8

I haven’t been able to play a steady Tiles version for quite some time now on windows 8. The movement keys are acting weird like I’m holding down SHIFT (that seem to be have been fixed in the latest dev. build I tried), everything moves really sluggish and I got constant lag issues – on Tiles regula...

Saturday, 17th January 2015, 10:41

Forum: Technical Support

Topic: New guide needed to compile crawl in windows

Replies: 9

Views: 4296

Re: New guide needed to compile crawl in windows

Not sure that it´s related but I haven’t been able to play a steady version for weeks, maybe months for windows 8. Constant lag issues on Tiles regularly updated version rivaling online lag. :cry:

Friday, 26th September 2014, 12:33

Forum: Dungeon Crawling Advice

Topic: 2 init file questions

Replies: 10

Views: 4853

Re: 2 init file questions

I swapped the command line around : if you.race() == "Deep Dwarf" autofight_stop = 20 : else autofight_stop = 60 : end and it seems theres a command or two i miss for it to not mess with other commands. For ex. here i put it on top of my init list like so Init file : if you.race() == "...

Monday, 8th September 2014, 02:21

Forum: Dungeon Crawling Advice

Topic: 2 init file questions

Replies: 10

Views: 4853

Re: 2 init file questions

i'm no lua expert, but i believe that ~= actually means not equal to, so the numbers should be reversed there, or the ~= should be turned into == That did the trick. : if you.race() == "Deep Dwarf" autofight_stop = 20 : else autofight_stop = 60 : end But for some reason that now prevents ...

Monday, 25th August 2014, 13:11

Forum: Dungeon Crawling Advice

Topic: 2 init file questions

Replies: 10

Views: 4853

Re: 2 init file questions

I know how to adjust the autofight stop, just not on how to adjust it for a specific race. I´ll try to be more specific: I´ve tried for some time now to play around with the options guide and my interface. I use a slimmed version of Marvin PA´s init. file but there´s still lot of things that I eithe...

Thursday, 21st August 2014, 13:13

Forum: Dungeon Crawling Advice

Topic: 2 init file questions

Replies: 10

Views: 4853

2 init file questions

Is there a way to make skills auto-stop wasting skill exp at specific levels? Like if I play a toon with a Great Mace I want him to automatically stop training maces at 20 (for min delay). The ” note_skill_levels = false ” command only notifies skill levels, it dosent prevent spending exp on it when...

Thursday, 14th August 2014, 22:53

Forum: Technical Support

Topic: autopickup question

Replies: 11

Views: 5790

Re: autopickup question

yeah, I just forgot it which is why it didn't work :) autopickup_exceptions +=<needle autopickup_exceptions +=<throwing net This works. For some reason this dosent seem to do anything in my init file. Restarted a couple new toons but those ranged thrown gear are still not automatically picked up. I...

Thursday, 3rd July 2014, 02:14

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: Problems with recent Beogh changes

Replies: 35

Views: 25517

Re: Problems with recent Beogh changes

Uhm not hearing an answer but thanks... :?

Wednesday, 2nd July 2014, 04:07

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: Problems with recent Beogh changes

Replies: 35

Views: 25517

Re: Problems with recent Beogh changes

Since the change in trunk whats the command to change an Orc followers weapon?
(my Orc Knights still using short swords and the Orc Priest a merely club)

Saturday, 21st June 2014, 17:06

Forum: Crazy Yiuf's Corner

Topic: Thank you!

Replies: 252

Views: 711642

Re: Thank you!

Thank you for removing many of the tedious item swapping situations in trunk (i.e. sickness , corpse/skeleton carriage, weight restrictions, curse scrolls, corrosion effect, item destruction etc.). It really made the game so much smoother and more enjoyable. EDIT: I know it´s trunk and things are li...

Wednesday, 28th May 2014, 22:19

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: Vine Stalkers.

Replies: 126

Views: 58697

Re: Vine Stalkers.

Right now I've got a VSWn in progress that is wearing both troll leather and a ring of regeneration and knows the regeneration spell. It's pretty funny. So troll leather actually work on VS´s? I had two rings of Reg on my last VSFi of Qazlal but he died of hybris. On my current VSMo i found an earl...

Wednesday, 14th May 2014, 02:52

Forum: Crazy Yiuf's Corner

Topic: Remove/Reform Lava Orcs

Replies: 27

Views: 11862

Re: Remove/Reform Lava Orcs

What made them interesting (perhaps only to me) was when they had a swiftness/slow effect on Heat aura (albeit OP). Without it they are just Fire casting Orcs. I wouldn´t mind seing it return but as a counter give them Naga speed as their default speed and preventing them from moving when hibernatin...

Tuesday, 13th May 2014, 15:03

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: The Crawl Light thread

Replies: 40

Views: 64448

Re: The Crawl Light thread


Friday, 9th May 2014, 09:00

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: The Crawl Light thread

Replies: 40

Views: 64448

Re: The Crawl Light thread

So glad Crawl Light isn´t dead. :D
Still think CL has some superior mechanics to the original, like better item randomness.

Saturday, 12th April 2014, 13:17

Forum: Crazy Yiuf's Corner

Topic: Buff Mummies

Replies: 121

Views: 40430

Re: Buff Mummies

dpeg wrote: If you guys ask for that too often, I'll just add the idea to the Won't Do list..

So…if…ehrm..wait, what??? :shock:

Friday, 13th December 2013, 18:38

Forum: Dungeon Crawling Advice

Topic: Rank the Draconian Colors

Replies: 31

Views: 29119

Re: Rank the Draconian Colors

Do draconians breath weapon make as much noise as corresponding spell? Is there an in-game way to check noise?
Inspired by this thread i rolled a DrWz, got black and pulled the house down when using my lightning breath.

Sunday, 8th December 2013, 14:08

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: Proposal: Replace Ice Storm with Glaciate

Replies: 54

Views: 121434

Re: Proposal: Replace Ice Storm with Glaciate

Ok, newbie question here but where do i put the patch? Are patches like this only useable with git?
I´d love to try it out, but not sure into what folder it´s going.

Friday, 22nd November 2013, 18:46

Forum: YASD! YAVP! and characters in progress too

Topic: [YASD!] GrBe 80 damage one hit

Replies: 17

Views: 5680

Re: [YASD!] GrBe 80 damage one hit

Nods, i shoulda at least removed the Fire ring to begin with. And then used some javelins..or tomahawks...or wands..or, or..
Got spoiled with the constant Tab, my own stoopid fault
//Selfsmack :roll:

Friday, 22nd November 2013, 12:01

Forum: YASD! YAVP! and characters in progress too

Topic: [YASD!] GrBe 80 damage one hit

Replies: 17

Views: 5680

[YASD!] GrBe 80 damage one hit

Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup version 0.14-a0-853-gcaeb28a (tiles) character file. 158374 Flygarn the Bludgeoner (level 17, -11/116 HPs) Began as a Gargoyle Berserker on Nov 21, 2013. Was the Champion of Trog. Mangled by a fire giant simulacrum (80 damage) ... led by a necromancer ... on Level 1 of the ...

Monday, 18th November 2013, 09:29

Forum: Game Design Discussion

Topic: Proposal: Replace Ice Storm with Glaciate

Replies: 54

Views: 121434

Re: Proposal: Replace Ice Storm with Glaciate

edited :!:

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