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dcss:brainstorm:monster:concept:dynamical [2017-01-13 13:57]
dpeg added a bunch of feedback
dcss:brainstorm:monster:concept:dynamical [2017-03-26 10:34] (current)
nagdon idea to discourage luring single enemies
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     * an enemy shouting alerts all surrounding enemies to your location, instead of simply attracting them to the noise. In my opinion, this may fix some garden variety situations, but this would be unworkable in many vaults because they're deathtraps and are not really meant for you to be fighting near them.     * an enemy shouting alerts all surrounding enemies to your location, instead of simply attracting them to the noise. In my opinion, this may fix some garden variety situations, but this would be unworkable in many vaults because they're deathtraps and are not really meant for you to be fighting near them.
     * Bezotted status could depend inversely on tension. The current version actually discourages fighting lots of monsters at once -- which means that it encourages luring single monsters.     * Bezotted status could depend inversely on tension. The current version actually discourages fighting lots of monsters at once -- which means that it encourages luring single monsters.
 +  * [[user:nagdon]] What if the chance of bezotting a monster does not depend on the number of monsters chasing you? Simplest implementation: after each player action there is a small chance proportional to the AUTs used that one of the monsters chasing the player becomes bezotted. Choose this monster randomly from the non-bezotted chasing monsters, if no monster is chasing the player or all monsters chasing the player are bezotted, then nothing happens.
 +    * When a monster starts chasing the player, no new bezottings will happen for N turns (neither the new monster nor the ones already chasing the player may bezot), where N is a function of the XP value of the new monster (so summoned and other no-reward monsters do not slow down bezotting at all and popcorn has only a small effect). These effects are additive, so if you run into a pack, then you have more bezotting-free turns to kill them. This no-bezotting status could be displayed as a status light (e.g. "Surprise")
 +      * To make stair-dancing less efficient and avoid accumulating large amounts of bezot-free time, the no-bezotting time is reset to zero when the player uses stairs. Of course if monsters spot the player on the next level, then the bezot-free time is immediately increased, but if monsters follow the player on the stairs, then they may have a chance to bezot immediately.
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dcss/brainstorm/monster/concept/dynamical.txt · Last modified: 2017-03-26 10:34 by nagdon
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